
Upcoming Sunday Services

All services at 10:30 AM.

Nursery Staff Needed

Do you love young children or know someone who does?

We are looking for a responsible, open-minded, compassionate individual who enjoys spending time with babies and young children. The position would be for Sunday mornings from 10am-12pm, beginning the first Sunday in September.
Come join our team!
Please contact to schedule an interview.

September Workshop - Thinking About Our Westwood Home.

The Board invites you to MARK your Calendars for September 27 - 29th to
attend a special weekend workshop entitled:

Thinking About Our Westwood Home

Rev. Wayne Walder is the minister at Neighbourhood Unitarian Congregation in Toronto. He will facilitate discussions about Westwood in relation to the space we use. As you know, the Board is moving ahead with the construction of a new accessible washroom on the main floor of Westwood. Wayne’s workshop is designed to help us make long and short term decisions about our congregation’s home.

Besides being a UU minister and active international study- tour leader, Wayne is also an experienced builder and member of the Canadian Homebuilders’ Association.

Wayne's publication, Thinking of a New Church Space, eh? (CUC publication, 2004) is a useful background piece for those thinking about current and future congregational buildings and makes an excellent “summer read”! It is available here.

Wayne is currently on the Board of “Visioning Spaces” and “Unitarian
Commons”. The commons is lobbying to build the first cohousing community in Toronto. You can see and hear him in this video at:

Click here to view media.

Visioning Space with Rev Wayne Walter from Harman Scott on Vimeo.

2019-6 Margaret Harris

2019 Westwood Casino

Volunteers Needed

November 5 & 6 2019

Check your calendar and sign up now!

This important fundraiser helps Westwood provide the programs, facilities and support services that are essential to this community.

No experience necessary. On site training provided.

Note: some positions are restricted by AGCL regulations to members only but Westwood friends, and friends of friends, are welcome and needed for the other positions.

