Traditional Lands of Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4.

Westwood Unitarian Congregation

What's OnFundraisers


A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

Charitable Donations​

Westwood Unitarian Congregation is a non-profit, charitable  organization. Our self-supporting community donates and raises the necessary resources – both financial and labour-based – to live out our vital Purpose.

Contributions to Westwood allow us to do and be all the wonderful things you love!

Worship services, in-person and online, our tremendous staff, a lovely space to gather, resources for programs…

For detailed information about Westwood’s use of resources, take a look at Dollars and Sense, our annually updated budget summary, or talk to our diligent Treasurer.

Contributions to Westwood qualify for charitable donation tax deductions. Click on Canada Revenue Agency , in “Organization Name” enter Westwood Unitarian, and click on “Search”. On the next web page, click on “WESTWOOD UNITARIAN SOCIETY”. This yields a nice overview of our expenses and revenues and attests to our eligibility for tax benefits for all donations.

Tax receipts are issued in January for identified donations.

Ways to Give

Westwood Gratefully Accepts


Easily Make a Regular Contribution

Most of our members and friends choose to contribute regularly through automatic, bank account deductions.

For assistance with an automatic deduction, contact our administrator.

To authorize automatic payments print the PAD Form and send it to or to Westwood Unitarian, 11135-65 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1W3.

TECH TIP: No scanner? Take a picture of the completed PAD form.

Whichever donation method suits you best, filling out the forms in the buttons below helps us plan and serve this community better.

Give Online: Anytime with Canada Helps

You can also contribute instantly through the convenience of an online credit card or PayPal donation.

Click for the Canada Helps

Stewardship Month

Each spring Westwood community is invited to consider what their contribution, in both time and money, for the coming church year will be. This commitment helps the Board plan the budget to be in line with available funds, and plan activities in proportion with available volunteers.

A financial pledge at stewardship time can be fulfilled with a variety of different payment options, including cash or a cheque into the offering plate, post-dated cheques, automatic withdrawal from a bank account, e-transfer or using Canada Helps to make online payments (above).

But stewardship is more than writing a cheque, or signing up to be a service leader, or committee member. Stewardship can also be an attitude … an approach to community building … a religious commitment … or a spiritual practice.

Stewardship month helps Westwood ensure that we are stocked, staffed, and ready to welcome interested Edmontonians into our Unitarian Universalist community.

Current Stewardship Information

Endowment Fund

Another way that Westwood practices financial stewardship is through the Endowment Trust Fund. The Endowment Fund Trustees invite Westwood committees, members, and friends to submit applications for projects that support congregational growth and outreach.

Contact: with questions about current grant guidelines and deadlines.

Complete the application form below to submit a grant request.

Endowment Application Form

Endowment Fund Trustees

Trustees serve for three-year terms, with someone rotating on and off each year.

Your Contributions

Consider contributing to the Endowment Trust for special life events or as a charitable bequest in your will.

Westwood’s Endowment Trust Fund exists to provide a place for permanent legacy funds. It is administered independently of the regular church activities. It is used to support special projects related to congregational growth or outreach.

More Information

Click here to go to the Endowment Fund FAQ.

Contact the endowment fund trustees at


Latest Events

Have a look at Our Events

Below you will find the upcoming events in the building, on-line and off site.