Traditional Lands of Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4.

Westwood Unitarian Congregation

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Granting Opportunities CUC

A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

The  CUC provides opportunities for us a national network to support special initiatives and to have an opportunity to support our own initiatives. These are detailed on the CUC Page Some are described:

Sharing Our Faith

The Sharing Our Faith program provides funds for congregational initiatives which enhance ministry, aid congregational projects and outreach, and enhance the Unitarian Universalist movement in Canada. Once a year, congregations are encouraged to hold a “Sharing Our Faith” worship service focused on the UU faith in Canada, with a special collection for the Sharing Our Faith fund.

Grant applications are due by March 31 of each year with all required documents. Completed applications can be e-mailed to Please note that Sharing Our Faith grants are normally under $5,000. For a larger grant, your congregation may want to consider applying for the Northern Lights award.

Nothern Nights

The CUC’s Northern Lights team is looking for ambitious, innovative projects that can make a real difference. The Northern Lights Team welcomes applications for projects worth $5,000 or greater. For smaller projects, there are the Sharing Our Faith grants.

Please alert us by February 1, 2019, at that you intend to apply for Northern Lights support. The full application is due by March 31. To qualify for Northern Lights support, a congregation must have at least 20% of its members registered as Chalice Lighters. Send your project proposals to

Theological Education Funds

CUC Theological Education Funds (TEF) bursaries are intended to assist Canadian Unitarian Universalists with expenses incurred while studying for the ministry. In special circumstances, applicants who have achieved only aspirant status may be approved. Disbursements are made by the CUC Board on the recommendation of the Board’s Theological Education Committee. The deadline to apply is March 31.


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