Westwoodian Newsletter
A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

Westwood News
Connecting you to Westwood Unitarian Congregation
11135-65 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1W3
- Contact Info:
News Updates Request
The congregation’s monthly newsletter has been replaced with blog posts – emailed to all subscribers to this web site.
Subscribers receive updates when news, reminders of upcoming activities, CUC announcements etc. are posted on this website.
SUBSCRIBE :the form is located above, and in the footer, at the bottom of every page on this site.
UNSUBSCRIBE anytime by following the link at the bottom of each email post.
Our Editor
Our volunteer web team posts to, and updates this site. We are always looking for volunteers to learn and help with our online communications.
Something missing, not working, outdated? Can’t find things? Feedback is welcome!
Email our Web Gardener at web@westwoodunitarian.ca
Your Submissions
If you have an announcement, a poem, picture or other content for the the website and email push – please forward items to the web@westwoodunitarian.ca