Visitors & Newcomers
A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.
Hello & Welcome
We are a lucky congregation in that we attract many visitors and newcomers. Assuming you’re with us in body and in spirit, here are a few suggestions about how to make yourself comfortable and familiar with what’s going on around here.
Come & Explore
Feel free to explore any and all events that Westwood offers, on Sunday and beyond. Come out to more than one worship service – speakers and topics vary from week to week. The format can vary as well, only the time is the same.
Boldly ask for help or information at coffee time after the service. There are many roving ambassadors who are happy to talk to you. Board members wear pink name tags and are knowledgeable folks to approach.
We look forward to meeting you and helping you find your path at Westwood.
Contact: membership@westwoodunitarian.caWays to Stay In Touch
Add your email address to the guest book on the info table at Westwood, to receive weekly announcements or send a request to
Easier still: subscribe here, to receive notices of upcoming events when they are posted on the web site.
Do A little Bit of Your Bit
Signing up for a Sunday service role is a great way to introduce yourself to Westwood. So is lighting a candle of joys or concerns on Sundays.
Help wanted notices are in the announcements throughout the year.
Check Westwood Out
Membership hosts information/orientation sessions.
Welcome to Westwood Sessions are designed for folks who are new to Westwood and would like more information about how tings work around here. Drop-ins and not-so “new” UUs are also welcome to attend. These sessions are usually offered twice a year, late Fall and early Spring.
Dates will be on the website, in Sunday announcements and on the bulletin board.
Interested in attending a session?
Please note: Westwood has a scent free policy. We ask all visitors to respect the health and safety of others.