Traditional Lands of Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4.

Westwood Unitarian Congregation

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  • Posted On: September 3, 2024
  • Category: Board

Sounding Board August 2024

A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

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Lots of news to share from your Board!

The Board met in late August to make sure to get things going in this new season of services.


    1. Signage and Lighting   The board is busy researching options to improve our outdoor signage and lighting. We will be asking for suggestions from the congregation on wording for the sign on September 8.
    2. Strategies for Building Congregations   The board is looking to implement strategies to retain visitors to our church which may include the following: connecting people on the first visit, following up with new visitors, tours of the church before the service and perhaps updating/renewing the name of the Chalice Circles.
    3. Building Inspection Report  Members of the Board will be discussing/deciding on priorities in future meetings.
    4. Workshops on Ageing  Dates have been selected.
    5. Leaders’ Get Together Leaders of the various groups will share information about their groups and groups will support each other.  A brunch will provide the venue for the discussions on October 19 – stay tuned for more information.

    And other Board news

    • Rekeying of the building is set to take place in the next month or so, depending on scheduling. Look for an email with Key Swap information, once the date is more certain.

    Riverdale House was the venue for the Annual Picnic and everyone enjoyed the beautiful setting and the fantastic weather!

    Have you seen this cat? Come and visit in the back garden!

    Special events (Save the Date!)

    • Advance Care Planning Workshops, October 26 and November 16, 2024. Check calendar for details.
    • Leaders’ Get-Together, October 19, 2024 (offsite) – details will be available soon

    Get out your calendars and Save The Dates of Upcoming Events of Interest, as we sincerely wish to see all of you: members, friends, visitors, seekers, always welcome!

    To receive new information when it is posted SUBSCRIBE to this site.


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    Have a look at Our Events

    Below you will find the upcoming events in the building, on-line and off site.