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Westwood Unitarian Congregation

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  • Posted On: April 10, 2024
  • Category: Serve

Ableism in Academics

A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

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April 7, 2024 at 10:30 AM MT

Topic: Ableism in Academics

Professor Thomas Hehir wrote a paper about how to eliminate ableism in schools all the way back in 2002. While many of his ideas are being implemented in our public school systems, Katie wants to challenge us to think of ways we can better implement his ideas.

Katie Steppke, today’s speaker, is an Educational Assistant at St. Pius X School in Edmonton who has a passion for helping students reach their full potential. She is also the stepmother of a young man with ADHD. She struggled a lot in school and wants school to be less of a stressful experience for everyone. Katie wants social justice especially when it comes to alleviating the problems concerning ableism, classism, and gender norms. Katie is doing this presentation because she knows the power of education and how it can help create a more equitable world.

Speaker & Musician: Katie Steppke

Service Leader: Mitch Waldon

Musician: Janice Reynolds

Techs: Hannah, Rebecca Patterson, Bill Lee

We hope you enjoy this recording of our in-person and Zoom service. 

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We hope to see you live and online, every Sunday, 10:30 AM MT. (Zoom “doors” open at 10 AM.) 

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