You are invited to participate in a Chalice Circle.
Westwood has two Chalice Circles and both have openings for 2 or 3
more members.
The Monday Afternoon Chalice Circle will have its planning meeting
on Monday January 16th at 1:00 PM on Zoom. Thereafter we will meet
every two weeks until early December.
The Thursday Evening Chalice Circle is in the process of deciding
their schedule for this next period of time and whether to meet in
person or on Zoom, and whether to gather once or twice a month.
What is a chalice circle?
Chalice Circles give us an opportunity to meet on an ongoing basis
with a group of 6 to 9 people for a 1.5 to 2-hour discussion twice a
month. As a small group it enables us to develop a more intimate
personal relationship with one another.
The discussions are oriented toward sharing. It is not therapy, nor
is it an “intellectual” discussion per se–there is no debate. The
emphasis is on listening and sharing personal views and experiences.
Interested? Questions?
Contact: Carl or Alexis via